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Our Certified AEO-F Customs & Excise Department can assist you every step of the way.

Our Customs department is AEO-F (Authorised Economic Operator) certified for the simplification of Customs formalities as well as for Safety and Security of the warehouses.

Advantages for the simplifications of customs duties:

  • Decrease of physical and documentary controls.
  • Priority treatment when a Customs control occurs.
  • Reduction or dispense of the guarantee regarding customs.
  • Easy access to the simplifications and the customs authorizations.
  • Access to the centralized customs clearance.
  • Facilities in the emergency procedure for customs declarations.
  • Authorisation for the conservation of the electronic appendices regarding customs statements.

Advantages for the safety and security of the warehouses:

  • We are beforehand informed about a physical control.
  • We benefit from all the opportunities which result from the signature of the agreements regarding mutual gratitude between the EU and the other countries.

Studies and advice for our customers:

  • Follow-up of the customs regulations.
  • Establishments and obtaining of forms at the ministries of customs clearances:
  • ACC4 / DAA / taxes
  • Import / Export
  • Fiscal representation
    • Warehouses under custom (taxes).
  • Continuous training of our custom service on the new regulations.
  • Set up of simplified procedures:
    • Procedure of customs clearance at home.
    • Procedure of unique customs clearance,
    • Specific procedure adapted according to a preliminary analyze at the request of the customer.
  • Ship brokerage.
  • Interlocutor towards the customs and fiscal administration.

Specific procedures according to our customer’s needs. 

Astre Palet System GDP - Pharma AEO Controlled temperature